The call for abstracts is now open! See below for information regarding the submission process including streams, session types and tips for a successful abstract submission!
Reflect: Embracing our past and envisioning our future allows us to understand how past decisions have shaped our current landscape. This stream allows us to understand the technologies that have moved through both technical and ethical challenges.
Evolve: Navigating the technological paradigm shift helps us share what technologies are challenging our paradigm. Through Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and cyber security, the continuous practice of evolution through technologies has shifted us to become more evolutionary in our practice.
Thrive: Using technology for a positive impact aids us to leverage technology to contribute to the greater good. From enabling our sustainability goals through to technologies with a human-centric approach and outcomes that improve the quality of learning and research to our students and our communities.
Session Types
30 minute presentation (30 minutes presentation including 5 minutes Q&A)
8 minute lightning round (8 minute outline sharing a relevant initiative in your organisation – to be joined with two other similarly themed contributions to form a lightning round)
SHoT (15 minutes short hit of training)
Mini Training Workshop (1.5hrs held throughout concurrent sessions)
BoF (Birds of a Feather) (60 minutes facilitated discussion on a defined topic)
For more information and guidance on presentation types, download our information sheet below.
Abstract Selection
Abstracts will be assessed by the conference program committee using the following criteria:
The final program will not be determined by a purely mechanical (formulaic) approach. The program committee’s primary goal is to establish an event that is of value to delegates. It will use its discretion to consider issues such as establishing an appropriate mix of technology domain content, and appropriately balancing high-level vs deeper technology content.
The call for abstracts has been extended to Friday 9 February 2024.
Acceptance to present
Tips for a successful abstract