P&Cs Qld's State Conference is held each year with 400-500 delegates from across Queensland attending to share, learn and network.
The 2024 State Conference will be held from 17-18 May 2024 at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Delegates will enjoy two jam-packed days filled with engaging keynote speakers, workshops, sessions and discussions focused on the latest trends and real-world case studies for P&Cs and parents, and informative and engaging trade exhibition, and plenty of opportunities for peer-to-peer sharing and networking.
This conference is designed to be very practical and provide delegates with information, tools and resources to ensure their P&C has Everything in PLACE to help our members build strong, successful and sustainable P&Cs that support state schools to give every child every chance in education and in life.
According to the Department of Education attending the P&Cs Qld State Conference is considered as highly valuable Professional Development for P&C executives/members.
Paying for your P&C representatives to attend the conference fits within the constitutional functions and powers of a P&C.
Attendance at the conference is considered a P&C expense and can be paid for from P&C funds.
Remember, proposed expenditure of P&C funds must be put forward as a motion and passed at a duly constituted meeting of the P&C.
Add this important proposal to your next P&C meeting agenda to get as many of your executives/members to this informative and engaging conference.
Example Motion: That the P&C provide the funding for the following people to attend P&Cs Qld's annual State Conference on xxxx at xxxx costing a total of $......... List people.
As our annual State Conference returns to the Gold Coast, we want as many of our local P&C members to attend.
We also understand some of you might not need overnight accommodation, so we are offering a “We Love Locals” special low price - $475.
This amazing discount offer gets you a two-day pass to our engaging and informative Conference plus entry to the Friday evening Welcome Reception and Saturday Gala Dinner and P&C Awards.
500+ Delegates
Networking Opportunities
60+ Trade Exhibition
Tailored Session Streams
Exciting Social Program
Inspiring Keynote Speakers